Africa Space Economy: Organized by ACCI & NASRDA

Space economy as an emerging sub-sector of global Space ecosystem captures the economic benefits of a dynamic Space sector and the role Space can play in the socio-economic development of human society.

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The second edition of the Africa Space Economy Conference and Exhibition: Themed “Space Economy and Emerging Market in Africa”, aims to foster a dynamic platform for scientists, business leaders, and policymakers to explore the rapidly growing space economy in Africa. The conference seeks to drive discussions on harnessing space-based technologies for critical sectors, unlocking investment opportunities for startups and innovators, and expanding Africa’s participation in global space economy operations.
By facilitating collaboration between local and international stakeholders, this edition will play a pivotal role in positioning Africa as a key player in the evolving space industry, leveraging innovation for sustainable economic growth.
  • 1. Promote Awareness and Knowledge on the Potential of Africa's Space Economy: Participants at the conference will learn about the amazing potential of Africa's space economy. By showcasing successful case studies and opportunities in other regions, the event seeks to inspire and inform stakeholders about the positive impact that a thriving space sector can have on the continent's socio-economic development.
  • 2. Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange Among Stakeholders: A platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange will be created at the conference between stakeholders in Africa's space sector. As participants network and exchange knowledge, they will be able to explore potential joint ventures and projects to accelerate the development of space-related industries on the continent.
  • 3. Identify Key Challenges and Solutions in Expanding Africa's Space Economy: The conference aims to identify the challenges that hinder the expansion of the space economy in Africa through panel discussions, workshops, and presentations.
  • 4. Address Space-related Challenges in Africa's Sustainable Development: The conference will focus on exploring how space technologies and applications can be leveraged to address pressing challenges in Africa's sustainable development. Discussions and workshops will revolve around areas such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, disaster management, healthcare, and connectivity.
  • 5. Develop a Robust Policy Framework for Africa's Space Economy: One of the key goals of the conference is to address the absence of a comprehensive policy framework for Africa's space economy. Participants will engage in discussions and workshops to draft recommendations for the development of appropriate policies and regulations that can facilitate and regulate space-related activities in Africa while ensuring they align with broader development goals.
  • 6. Promote Investment and Funding Opportunities in Africa's Space Sector: To accelerate the growth of Africa's space economy, the conference intends to attract investments and funding opportunities. It will provide a platform for entrepreneurs and startups in the space sector to showcase their ideas and projects to potential investors and venture capitalists.
  • 1. Exemplary Partnership: The Space Economy Conference is a great example of what a real partnership of the Business Community and Government can achieve for the Nigerian and African Economy. The two are represented by ACCI (for business) and NASRDA (for Government).
  • 2. Participation of the International Community Like Never Before: The International Community (not just in Africa but in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East) has indicated keen interest not only to attend but to speak and exhibit their space technology and solutions at the conference.
  • 3. Sectoral Approach to Real Developmental Issues: The sectoral approach and format of the weeklong conference will address the real developmental issues in Nigeria and Africa in a way that will positively impact governance and everyone’s life. The sectors will include, among others:

    - Space technology and Communication in Africa
    - Space technology and Internally Generated Revenues (IGR)
    - Space technology and Internal Security
    - Space technology and Food Security
    - Space technology and the Health Sector
    - Governance and Regulatory Strategies for the Space Economy
    - Space technology and the Growth of the Tech Innovation Ecosystem
  • 4. High-Level Opportunity for Networking: The conference has been designed to provide a veritable platform for high-level opportunity for networking, business connections, and investments. Exclusive C-level side meetings will be hosted by international and indigenous VIPs and captains of industry. No real investor and entrepreneur will risk missing the conference.
  • 5. First of its Kind in Conference and Exhibitions Africa: The Space Economy Conference is the first of its kind in all of Africa!

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