
Gonzalo Lopez-Casanueva

International Business Development Manager for Africa at SATLANTIS, Spain

Gonzalo Lopez-Casanueva is the International Business Development Manager for Africa at SATLANTIS, a Spanish space company originally rooted in astrophysics, specialising in high & very high-resolution multispectral optical imagers for smallsats. Mr Lopez-Casanueva is a Mechanical Engineer and Industrial Designer by formation, leveraging technical but creative capabilities; he’s had experience with diverse R&D-related projects focusing on technological innovation. With SATLANTIS, he has working experience in the greenhouse gas detection and monitoring field of optical remote sensing, specifically methane detection and quantification, a key application in today’s environmental context and the company’s roadmap. He now works in the International Business Development division, managing Africa and several Asia-Pacific countries. For the last year, he has focused on finding SATLANTIS’s place in Africa’s growing space and earth observation ecosystem, exploring the opportunities it presents and furthering partnerships in the region. He is especially interested in the international bridges this particular sector can help build as a platform for exchange and collaboration. .